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Sound Associates Music stocks hundreds of Clarinets, Cellos, Flutes, Trumpets, Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones, Upright Basses, Violins, and Violas. All year long! We buy, sell, trade, rent and repair all brands of Orchestra, Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion School Music Program Instruments. Lowest price, Best selection!
We RENT school musical instruments on a month to month basis as low as $25 per month. Call for availability on the instrument of choice. Discounts on instruments, books and accessories are given to public and home school music program students and parents.
| We pay CASH for used musical instruments, equipment and accessories. Open M,T,T,F 1:30 PM to 7:30 PM Sat 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM Closed Wednesdays and Sundays.
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Associates Music Ltd. Images copyright 1999-2016. We accept PAYPAL as a preferred payment. Also, BANK VERIFIED VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX. We verify all credit card addresses before we ship. We
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