Thank you for choosing Sound Associates Music Ltd! We are a full line music store in downtown Lawrenceville Ga. Open Monday thru Friday 12 noon to 6 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 3 pm. We have the same owners, telephone and location since we began in 1975! Call us to inquire about your order placed on Yahoo, or to place an order by phone. Fast, friendly and affordable. All prices quoted by us are 30 day guaranteed lowest anywhere. Shop with confidence with Sound Associates Music Ltd. Member Atlanta Better Business Bureau and National Association of Musical Merchants. Thank you for your order and confidence!

225 North Perry Street
Lawrenceville Ga 30045 USA
770-963-8701 Fax 770-682-9505

FREIGHT CHARGES: We have adjusted our freight charges to be as low or lower than other stores. Your charge card will be charged EXACTLY the sale price quoted plus a modest freight charge. We ship by FedEx Ground, United Parcel Ground or U.S. Postal Service. Our freight costs includes insurance. We do not charge a handling charge or fee. We will offer free freight on all orders over $200 for a limited time.