Click to enlargeMBT Equipment Rack Cases

Tough protection for standard 19" wide rackmount equipment. made from extruded resin compunds and aluminum valences, heavy-duty fasteners, and featuring threaded steel rails front and back. Deeper than standard rack cases to accomodate gear up to 16" deep.

Aluminum valences, rubber gaskets and heavy-duty fasteners for increased weather resistance, improved structural stability and additional impact resistance. Threaded steel rails on both the front and back of all MBT Equipment Rack cases provide optimal mounting versatility, and added security for your equipment. Uncommon Features! Uncommon Value! Limited Lifetime Guarantee! >>Please call to order this product.<< All sizes in stock! Retail prices and your discount price: 2 space case $157.00, $94.20 4 space case $177.00, $106.20 6 space case $188.00, $112.80 8 space case $240.00, $144.00 10 space case $270.00, $162.00 12 space case $277.50, $166.50 Very, very low freight costs as we ship from the factory warehouse to you!

MBTRCKCSERegular Price: $94.20Sale Price: $94.20Size: 
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